Saturday, November 12, 2011



One of the gods to some tribes Ifugao,Ibaloi, Kalanguya, Kankana-ey in the cordillera mountain range, specially in Benguet Province. Benguet Kankana-eys - Many years ago, some old folks believed that he resides in Mt. Kabunian in Bakun, Benguet while Ibaloi and Kalanguya believers say he resides in Mt. Pulag straddling the boundaries of Benguet and Ifugao together with the spirits of their ancestors and anitos

Lakambini |Lacambui|Filipino Goddess of Muse


Lakambini became a Filipino word equivalent to English “muse” or “princess”.
 Lakambini have a lot of interpretations but some call her the Goddess of muse.

Mayari |Mallari|Negritos of Zambalez Chief God


Mayari was the chief god among the Negritos in Zambales also known as the moon god.
Based on historical records, there is no hard evidence that she/he was also worshiped by the ancient Tagalogs, so as Anitong Tawo and Dumangan. In Pampangan mythology he/she was a sibling of Suku, he/she was also associated to the moon based on that mythology, in some informal and modern folktale version based on the said myth his/her brother was Apolaki a Pangasinense deity and their father was Bathala which is a Tagalog deity, this probably caused the misconception. The ancient Tagalogs do venerate the moon, however there is no recoded evidence that they deified it as Mayari.

Apolaki |Apolaqui|Pangasinense god of creation


The ancient Pangasinenses worshipped him as their supreme deity addressed as Ama-Gaoley or Anagaoley(Supreme Father) whom they invoke for various matters such as war, trade and travel. They offered oils, incenses, and other aromatic herbs to his idol/images, slaves and pigs was also sacrificed in his honor. He was Identified to Suku a deity of ancient Kapampangans which associated him to the sun. Based on historical records, there is no hard evidence that he was also worshiped by the ancient Tagalogs, he is often not listed (just like Mayari) to the pantheon of anitos that ancient Tagalogs worshiped. In some informal and modern folktale version based on Pampangan Mythology his sister was Mayari a Zambal deity and their father was Bathala which is a Tagalog deity, this probably caused the misconception.

Diyan Masalanta |Dian Masalanta|Tagalogs goddess of love,Fecundity and childbirth

Diyan Masalanta

Tagalog patron goddess of love,fecundity,childbirth patroness goddess of lovers and gentlemen. Her name literally means “be destroyed there,” or “cannot be destroyed” .She also known in the Greek mythology as Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and love, she is in charge of femininity among the tagalog region.

Amanikable|Ama ni Cable|Ama ni Coable|Tagalogs patron god of hunters


Tagalogs patron god of hunting, he takes care of wild life at the same time he maintains the balance of the forest, he is also mistaken as a sea deity.

Amansinaya|Aman Sinaya|Tagalogs god of fishery


Tagalogs god of fishes, he takes in charge of aquatic lives, Fishermen worship him to provide Aquatic abundance and a good catch to help their family.

Idiyanale |Idianale|Philippine god of animal husbandry and aquaculture


Known by the Tagalogs as the god of animal husbandry and aquaculture  by others the god of agriculture,

the god who is in charge of animal welfare and aquatic resources, he usually lives in the woods and guards the animals from hunters,
also on waters takes in charge of the fishes and other marine life.

Lakambakod| Lachan Bacor |Philippine god of Crops


Also known by the Tagalogs as a phallic god who was the protector of growing crops and healer of diseases, his name literary means bakod or fence he is not only the protectors of crops but also he serves as a fence or protector of houses.

Pati|Anito of the Rain


The anito of the rain is called Pati by the Ifugaos.
They Worship Pati to bring rain to their dried land. 

Lakampati Lacapati/Lacanpate|Lacapati

Lakampati Lacapati/Lacanpate

 She is major fertility deity of the ancient Tagalogs. Farmers with their children brought offerings for him at the fields and invoke him to protect them from famine. Some sources also said that foods and words are offered to him by his devotees asking for "water" for their fields and "fish" when they set sail in the sea for fishing. Lakampati was a hermaphrodite deity and was commented by some authors and friars as “the hermaphrodite devil who satisfies his carnal appetite with men and women”. He is identified to the ancient Zambal goddess Ikapati although he/she also has a characteristics similar to other Zambal deities such as Anitong Tawo, Dumangan, Damulag, Kalasokus, and Kalaskas.

Old Philippine Dieties|Filipino Gods and Goddesses

  Filipino Gods and Goddesses

This are beings that exist in the past that people worship. Filipino people before they were colonized worshiped multiple beings its either the deities from the sky,nature and many more. foreign influence like the Spaniards  broke this tradition by introducing Christian faith, example of this are the worship of many saints and the worship of only one god, after many years in the hands of the Spanish government Filipinos have forgotten about this things.



 Also known by the Filipinos particularly by the Tagalogs as the God of creation.
  Maykapal also Meygawa or May-ari the lord of the earth

Philippine Alamat at Kwentong Bayan|The Philippine Legends

 Philippine Alamat at Kwentong Bayan

This is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility", defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.

Legend, typically, is a short (mono-) episodic, traditional, highly ecotypified historicized narrative performed in a conversational mode, reflecting on a psychological level a symbolic representation of folk belief and collective experiences and serving as a reaffirmation of commonly held values of the group to whose tradition it belongs.

Legends here in the Philippines has a wide range and varieties that come from different regions, some of the stories is how the world was made or how Bathala(God)created man
kind , their are also stories about the origins and how unseen creatures came to exist.
all have their symbolic meanings on how the people interpret it.


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