Saturday, November 12, 2011

Philippine Alamat at Kwentong Bayan|The Philippine Legends

 Philippine Alamat at Kwentong Bayan

This is a narrative of human actions that are perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within human history and to possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legend, for its active and passive participants includes no happenings that are outside the realm of "possibility", defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happened, within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and vital, and realistic.

Legend, typically, is a short (mono-) episodic, traditional, highly ecotypified historicized narrative performed in a conversational mode, reflecting on a psychological level a symbolic representation of folk belief and collective experiences and serving as a reaffirmation of commonly held values of the group to whose tradition it belongs.

Legends here in the Philippines has a wide range and varieties that come from different regions, some of the stories is how the world was made or how Bathala(God)created man
kind , their are also stories about the origins and how unseen creatures came to exist.
all have their symbolic meanings on how the people interpret it.

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